Medical trailers and mobile medical vehicles
Medical trailers and mobile medical units is an expanding market with service providers keen to take services or equipment to as wide a range of patients as possible. This could include taking services to rural locations or as a short term stop gap while more permanent facilities are built. It is also a consideration when an expensive piece of equipment needs to be shared between more than one facility or authority. Talk to us about how we can convert your clinical, screening, educational or surgical function into a mobile application. Twitter
Contact Cosby Suppliers to discuss medical trailers and mobile medical units
Medical trailers – EMS renal dialysis
Existing medical trailers were gutted and re-modelled with a brand new interior. Photos courtesy of EMS Healthcare
More infoMobile medical vehicles – EMS chemotherapy trailer
Working closely with EMS Healthcare an existing trailer design was adapted to suit the precise needs of cancer charity Tenovus.
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